It's My Damn Blog

So, the experiment didn't go anywhere.  It's a lot to ask of people to be constantly vigilant about a project that have no vested interest in.  But that isn't why I stopped posting.  I realized that every section I wrote was in a constant state of revision, and the very first draft was nothing more than the ugliest it would ever be.  So what I was really doing was polluting people's idea of what the story would eventually be.

The truth of the matter is that some of the story just needs to be belched out and left bare and abrasive until some future bit is written that allows it to be more fully formed and brought up to snuff.  So, I'm not posting sections of the story as I write them any longer.  I am still writing, have been the whole time.  The last part of the story I posted was Chapter 3, Part 3.  I am now writing the end of Chapter 5.  If you read the story, and were hoping for more, let me know.  I still need beta readers for particularly tough problems I run into.

I will post updates on my progress, and maybe some more of the story that I feel is appropriate for this forum.

I still don't have a title.