
I wish there were more hours in the day.  Here's the deal, Universe, either you inject more time between sunup and sundown, or you give me the ability to regenerate like a starfish.  That way I'll at least be able to cut off my arm and regrow another me.  If that's what it takes, I'll do it.  I've got so much stuff I want to do, and it's all awesome.  There isn't anything that I can easily eliminate to make room for something else.

I'd rather you go with the former though, and just make more time, because the other solution still requires me to spend 70% of my awake time at the office.

Until something changes I'm stuck trying to fit a minimum of one hour writing, one hour reading, one hour illustrating, and all the rest of the death-prevention stuff that I can't avoid.  All the while trying to balance being selfish with enjoying my amazing relationship (maybe that fits into the death-prevention category).

So, while I'm making great strides in the races towards visually artistic satisfaction, there is a cheetah made of Times New Roman 10pt gaining on me fast.  I wrote a good chunk on Tuesday, tweaked a bit on Wednesday, and just finished 500 words a minute ago.  But that doesn't feel like much for an entire week's worth time.

Still, that's something.  Forward progress.  I think I finished Chapter 5 today.  I'll know for sure this weekend when I read back through it.

Cheers to all those that know just what I'm feeling.