Drey's Logo

Drey's logo has a complicated beginning.  I knew I wanted to do a logo for Drey because he's shared a lot of his art with me, and we've spent long hours discussing creativity and how to stay sane.  Not to mention he's been very helpful with my writing projects as well.  He didn't ask for a logo, and I didn't offer.  That's not really how he operates.  In any case, I knew I wanted him to be near the top of the list.

At first, my brainstorming produced a picture of a spider, I didn't know where it would lead, but that's where my mind went.  Probably because Drey hates spiders and I'm a sadist.

At the same time I was sketching boxers for some reason.  I like boxing, I know I need to work on drawing humans.  So I had these two sketches, when I started working on the actual file, the boxers came first.  I drew two men fighting.  It was alright, but the second dude just didn't fit.  I stopped working on that one and started up the spider.  It wasn't working either.  Frustration ensued.  I went back to the boxers, scrapped the second dude and the spider idea, and stared at the half empty canvas.  I fiddled with a few ideas, but the one that stuck was to have my boxer fighting a squid.  20,000 leagues style.  I guess I was still on a nautical kick after Amanda's logo.

The squid was sketched, pass after pass saw it getting further and further away from reality, and closer to some hideous Lovecraftian monstrosity.

Here are the results, click to make bigbigbig:

I like the whole thing.  The monster is pretty rad, I used a gorilla's mouth as reference for how to draw a good howling mouth.  I used the same pustule technique from Amanda's octopus on Drey's monster.  I like the idea of somebody boxing a monster.  Amanda says I was unconsciously drawing myself when I drew the boxer.  Probably true, although I'm in better shape and have a beard.  Also, she thought the background colors reminded her of some country's flag.  Neither of us could think of which one it was.

No variations on this one yet, although I've got some ideas.


Wade said...

The flag you were thinking of is Ghana.

Fitter Happier said...

Makes sense. I make up elaborate back-stories for all the characters I draw, and the monster was always intended to be from Ghana. Must've injected those colors subconsciously.