Luke's Logo

After having so much fun with Jeff's logo, I wanted to do another.  I asked my buddies if anyone else wanted a logo, and Luke piped up.  I didn't ask what he wanted, I just said, "Do you promise to use the logo I give you, no matter what it looks like?"  He agreed as long as it wasn't overly offensive.

I went with the same method that I used for Jeff's logo.  I sat for about 30 seconds and the first thing that popped into my head was, Aborigine.  I can't explain why that came to mind when I thought about Luke.  I guess he's wiry, athletic.  Something about him just says aborigine.

I knew that I wanted to draw the original image, with his name being emitted simply from the Didgeridoo, then warp the image with some variations.

Here is the original, click to make bigbigbig:

I thought his tribal paint turned out nicely.  Amanda really liked the colors of the didgeridoo.  His hands were really hard to draw.  I'm still working on hands and feet.  I think most artists are still working on hands and feet.

Here is the dark side, variation number 2:

I loved drawing this.  The colors were easy, the horns were not.  Like those damned hands, I redrew the horns a bunch of times.  They turned out as I'd hoped in the end though.  The idea was that he was playing a giant bone didgeridoo.  When I showed Luke he said, "I love it, but it's not very facebook friendly because of the giant doob."

It hadn't even occured to me that it looked like he was smoking a huge joint.  I can see it now.  In my defense, Wade said, "First thing I thought was Bone."

So I put together Variant number 3:

I changed the didgeridoo.  I messed around with the 'outer glow' effect.  It's alright I guess, I still like the bone Didg more.  I also fixed the color of the ground shadow.  I'd broken my own rule when I drew the original ground shadow.  I'd made it a shade of gray, I fixed it to be a darker shade of the background color.

One last variation, just for fun:

I did this one on a lark, just messing around.  In the end this one seems to be most people's favorite.  I like it too.

Let me know what you think.

Next post, Amanda's logo.