
I'm a designer by nature and by profession.  While writing is a new and exciting passion, visual design is a warm and familiar one.

I haven't taken on an 'art' project in quite some time.  A couple years ago I bought some paint, canvas, and brushes.  That last a a few afternoons before I lost interest. 

Recently, I made the request of a graphic designer friend of mine that he should create for me a kind of logo that I can use for my social media profile pictures.  He obliged.

His name is Jeff Schwartzbauer.  He made this logo from the comment, "maybe it should have one animal eating another animal".

So, after the ball got kicked down the hill, he and I started creating these personalized pieces of art for all our friends.  What started as logos has turned into something more akin to a family crest.  My friend Drey said, "It's something I'd hang above my castle gates."

I will be uploading the 'crests' I've done so far over the next couple days, and hopefully continuing to post about creative projects on a regular basis.