
Man, I get distracted easily.  I purchased two new books as research material, What if the Earth had Two Moons, and Don't Know Much About Mythology.  They're both interesting so far, and giving me some good ideas.  Therein lies the problem, though, I find myself reading all these books and writing less.  This has probably been the least productive writing week since the beginning. 

Between those two books, the Breadmaker's Apprentice (which is fantastic) and The Name of the Wind, I'm full up with words and finding it difficult to make scenes coalesce on the page.  Oh well, I got a good conversation started this morning. 

I'm eagerly awaiting the end of this chapter.  It should be cool, and it will mark the end of Part 1, at which time I'll really be able to start the big edits.  Once part one is in good shape I will be contacting my novelist friend and crossing my fingers that she'll take a look at it and give me some pointers.  We'll see.

I'll post Chapter 3, part 3 today, which is a departure I'm experimenting with, trying to let the narrator break the structure up a bit.