All caught up

So, I posted the end of chapter 2 yesterday. 

The way it worked, was that I started this blog while the second chapter was out being reviewed by my brother.  So, by the time I really got it rolling, I had two complete (but raw) chapters to post.  By posting one section a day, I was able to take about a week to get them all up and readable.  This meant I could get a little jump start on the third chapter.

Now that the blog is caught up with where I am actually writing, my plan is to post more frequent entries about the progress and process, and every few day post a newly complete section.  This means the actual story will come a little less frequently, and in smaller parts, but it will be hot off the presses and completely unedited. 

Thanks to those that have been reading so far.

What I need from YOU now, is to comment, anything that strike you.  Comment on whats works, what is funny, what is groan-worthy, what is shit, or what is flat out plagiarism.  The whole purpose of this blog (for me) is to get feedback. 

Look forward to Chapter 3.Part 1 tonight or tomorrow.  Thanks again!