
Last night I waged a little internal battle with myself.  The self-doubt grabbed hold around my brain and squeezed.  I found myself thinking, "this stupid thing isn't working".  And of course, if it doesn't work perfectly right away, it's not worth doing at all.  So I laid there in bed, fretting about how poorly things where going. 

I woke up this morning with the clear understanding that 'this is the process'.  It works, its been proven time and again.  The writing I've done up to this point is unpolished, and the pacing and structure is messy.  By the end this first bit of writing will be unrecognizable to what it is now. 

So instead of continuing work on Chapter 3, I assuaged some of my creeping doubt by going back and working on some edits.

I restructured a troublesome conversation in the second chapter, as well as simplified some architectural descriptions.  I think this helped. 

I did come to a conclusion though.  Up until this morning, the idea had been that the story would take part in something like four parts, each consisting of three or four chapters.  The first part, which I'm about 70% finished writing, was conceived of as "Feast's solitary journey to the mainland".  In outline form, this made sense.  Part 1-Introduce Feast and his situation, Part 2-introduce the other characters, etc..  But, having written quite a bit now,  spending so much time without a 'sidekick' might not work.  With that in mind, I'm thinking of reorganizing some events so that one of the secondary characters gets introduced earlier.  Any thoughts?

I will begin posting the rough edit of chapter 2 (as it currently stands) this afternoon.