
Man, I get distracted easily.  I purchased two new books as research material, What if the Earth had Two Moons, and Don't Know Much About Mythology.  They're both interesting so far, and giving me some good ideas.  Therein lies the problem, though, I find myself reading all these books and writing less.  This has probably been the least productive writing week since the beginning. 

Between those two books, the Breadmaker's Apprentice (which is fantastic) and The Name of the Wind, I'm full up with words and finding it difficult to make scenes coalesce on the page.  Oh well, I got a good conversation started this morning. 

I'm eagerly awaiting the end of this chapter.  It should be cool, and it will mark the end of Part 1, at which time I'll really be able to start the big edits.  Once part one is in good shape I will be contacting my novelist friend and crossing my fingers that she'll take a look at it and give me some pointers.  We'll see.

I'll post Chapter 3, part 3 today, which is a departure I'm experimenting with, trying to let the narrator break the structure up a bit. 


Chapter 3, part 2 is up.  It is brief conversation between the girl and Feast as they reach the edge of the spire plateau and leave the monastery behind.

I have, in two places so far, little bits of song or poetry injected.  They are tough to write.  The first one had sound a bit lurching and ponderous because it is sung by a lonely, half-drunk man.  This second bit is Feast (having that damned song stuck in his head) recalling the chorus to himself.  I'm not at all happy with these bits at the moment, but I'm sticking with my decision not to edit myself during the initial stages.  I know that something like a bit of song or poetry can easily be returned to later and revised, or even changed entirely.  So I left the songs as I they flowed out during those writing sessions, but I'm sure they'll change and grow eventually.

I've gotta come up with a name for the girl that Feast is traveling with.  I know what I've been calling her in my head, which might work, but you never really know until you've put it on the page and see how it looks.  Any suggestions?

I've written the third part, which is just a few hundred words long, and will post it soon.

More Peril!

Chapter 3, part 1 is posted.  I wrote the last sentence, reread it once, and then posted it.  I didn't even run a spell check.

Its actually somewhat freeing. 

I loved writing this part.  I was getting tired of the gloomy confines of the monastery.  I'm really excited for the next bit of writing that will finally take us off of the spire plateau and give us a view of where we've been exploring for twenty-thousand words.

What I'm realizing is that I need to inject more action into the story.  I've been making rewrite notes as I progress.  Most of them concern two things:  Add more peril to specific scenes, and add more emotion and affection to interactions between characters.

Well, Amanda is doing her yoga, so I'd better start writing the next part.  Thanks for reading.

All caught up

So, I posted the end of chapter 2 yesterday. 

The way it worked, was that I started this blog while the second chapter was out being reviewed by my brother.  So, by the time I really got it rolling, I had two complete (but raw) chapters to post.  By posting one section a day, I was able to take about a week to get them all up and readable.  This meant I could get a little jump start on the third chapter.

Now that the blog is caught up with where I am actually writing, my plan is to post more frequent entries about the progress and process, and every few day post a newly complete section.  This means the actual story will come a little less frequently, and in smaller parts, but it will be hot off the presses and completely unedited. 

Thanks to those that have been reading so far.

What I need from YOU now, is to comment, anything that strike you.  Comment on whats works, what is funny, what is groan-worthy, what is shit, or what is flat out plagiarism.  The whole purpose of this blog (for me) is to get feedback. 

Look forward to Chapter 3.Part 1 tonight or tomorrow.  Thanks again!